Antiques on the Side - We now have three locations to better serve you. We have the original shop on Millbrook Road. We have Jenny Wren's Country Store across the parking lot at our original location. The Country Store contains garden, architectural and other items. And now we have Robin's Nest, a little wood cabin right outside our main store with more antiques and collectibles.
Our current inventory consists of:
Antiques * Collectibles * Furniture * Hand-made Vintage-Style Pine Furniture * Primitives * Architectural accents * Hand-made ink pens including a bolt-action bullet pen * Vintage outdoor pieces * Boy Scout memorabilia * Navaho pottery * Repurposed furniture * Resale items * Gifts * Old wood framed windows for crafts *
Business Name
Seasonal Hours
We are also a Federal Firearms Dealer. Please contact me before you list me as your FFL to make sure I will be available to receive and transfer the firearm for you. We specialize in incoming firearm transfers. Recent changes in the Firearms Transaction Record, form (4473), make it necessary for the firearm decription (Section A) to be completed before the transferee can complete the buyer information section (Section B). All sections of the transaction record must be handwritten and completed at my place of business. This means you cannot complete the transaction record form and I can't do the NICS check before I have the firearm in my possession. Because of this new form sequence, please do not have a firearm sent to me if you are not absolutely sure the NICS check will come back favorably. If you have a firearm sent to me and the NICS check comes back denied, you will be responsible for the cost of shipping the firearm back to the seller. Also, because the NICS checks have not been coming back as fast they used to, be prepared to wait for it to come back or leave and return later when it does come back. I'm sorry this change in prcedure is necessary but I am at the mercy of the ATF and the FBI. We are located one mile from the Isabella County Sportsman's Club. Pick up your firearm from us and be on the range in minutes. Our fee structure is as follows:
- Incoming sale transfer fee - $30
> No extra fee for the background check- Outgoing sale transfer fee - $30
> Plus ACTUAL shipping costHow does a transfer work? - Check with me via email to make sure I will be available to transfer the firearm for you. Purchase the firearm and select me as your FFL. If the seller needs a copy of my FFL license contact me via email with the seller's email address and I will send them my license. When the firearm arrives, I will contact you and we can arrange an appointment to complete the Transaction Record Form. I will submit the NICS check and hopefully you will be on your way in a timely manner. Be sure to bring your driver's license and $30 cash for the transfer. Buy more than one gun on the same transfer and each additional gun is $25.
So, if you are ready to do a transfer, email me at:
Credit Cards
We offer the
convenience of payment for your in-store purchases with most major credit cards
through the Square credit card payment system.
- I have a collection of vintage Model Railroad themed magazines. Click here to view a listing of the vintage model railroad magazines.
Click here for some exterior pictures to help you spot our location. Please visit our Facebook page for posts of new and featured items from our inventory and changes to our normal business hours.
- We are open most Fridays and Saturdays from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. We also close during the winter months because most our shop is not heated. Check Facebook for our hours or call to see if we are open. If you would like to visit our shop outside our normal business hours please call ahead to see if we are available. Call 989 866-2527 to check our hours or schedule an appointment. If there is no answer leave a message. We will return your call. We can e-mail digital pictures to you of any item in our shop.
Take a ride to Antiques on the Side and discover a wide selection of treasures. Bring your family and friends. Everyone is welcome so COME ONE, COME ALL!
- Click here for detailed directions to ANTIQUES on the Side.
- You can e-mail us at to arrange an appointment or make an inquiry concerning our product line or a specific antique you are searching for.
- Anne & Ron Griffiths
on the Side
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